
String is a type of data, and it’s basically just any kind of text. You can recognise a string because they’re always eclosed in single or double quotation marks. So next time an application, API or whatever asks for a string, they basically just mean any kind of text (and not a number).


An object is a data structure that holds information about something, like a person or a product. It has details, such as a name and age, that describe it. Objects consist of key/value pairs. A key is a unique name that identifies a property, while the value is the information related to that property. For … Read more


JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight format used to store and exchange data. It’s easy to read and write for humans and simple for machines to understand and generate. Here’s a basic example of JSON: In this example, we have an object with three key-value pairs: the name is Max, the age … Read more


Integer is a type of data that represents whole numbers. You can recognize an integer because it does not have a decimal point and is not enclosed in quotation marks. So now you know, when an application asks for an integer, they mean a whole number (and not a fraction or decimal). Tip: have a … Read more


A collection in is like a box that holds related items together, organizing data for easy management. For example, you might have a collection of contacts or customer orders. Here’s an example of a contacts collection in JSON format: You could also have a collection of orders like this: Using collections helps you manage … Read more


An array is a data structure that holds a collection of items, such as numbers or strings. It allows you to store multiple values in a single variable. Arrays are indexed, meaning each item has a position (index) that starts from zero. For example, in a list of colors: Here, “Red” is at index 0, … Read more