Unleash the superpowers of functions in Make.com 🤩

With functions you can manipulate and process data within your scenarios.

startcase(Max van Collenburg)









You can’t build advanced scenarios without using functions.

They allow you to insert & alter data.

In this guide, I’ll cover everything you need to know so you can get started with functions.

Let’s get started.

What is a function?

A function is a very useful tool that modifies your data in a field inside a module or filter.

Here is a simple example of the capitalize() function where I capitalize some text:

simplified example of capitlizing

So now we love automation will become We Love Automation.

But it’s more useful for dynamic data because we could also just have typed We Love Automation in that field 😋

So let me explain how to map an item into a function.

Mapping items into functions

Now, we can do the same dynamically by inserting items in our functions.

Let’s say we have an item from a previous module called first_name, and the value this scenario execution is max

We want to dynamically change the value of the item, so we map the item inside the function like this:


= Max

So now whatever value is in first_name, it will be capitalized.

Here’s an example of how it would look in an email module:

simple example of capitalized text function in gmail module in make
Example of a function inside a module

Functions are incredibly handy, and there is a bunch of different types to modify different kinds of data.

Different type of functions

There are 5 different types of functions, that let you each manipulate and process different types of data:

  • Text functions: modify text. For example, capitalize first names.
  • Math functions: make calculations. For example, calculate 20% of an order value.
  • Date and time functions: convert or modify dates. For example, add 3 days to the current date or convert 5 PM to 17:00.
  • Array functions: transform array data. For example, sort items in an array.
  • General functions: advanced mapping.

Below, you’ll find guides for each type of function.

I recommend starting with the text functions because those are easiest to understand.


Text functions

Manipulate any kind of text.


Math functions

Make simple or complex calculations.


Date & time functions

Parse and modify dates and times.


Array functions

Transform array data easily.


General functions

Fine-tune your mapping in a scenario.

And that’s it!

Functions in Make.com are incredibly powerful tool to enhance your scenarios.

I hope this guide helped with understanding functions! 🙌

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