How to use MAILHOOKS in

Mailhooks are similar to webhooks, but instead of data through a URL, they receive data through an email.

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use this trigger, and some cool examples.

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Max van Collenburg

I'm addicted to travel, love a good cappuccino, have two cute cats, and I help online business owners to win back their time with no-code automation. More weird facts about me.

4 thoughts on “How to use MAILHOOKS in”

    • Great question, Julio! I just tested it by sending an email to a mailhook with an attachment, and the attachment is in the ‘Attachments’ array with the file as binary data. So you could then upload it somewhere else, or do whatever you want with it.

  1. Hi Max, thanks for the tutorial! Quick questionβ€”can mailhooks handle attachments in emails, like PDFs or images? If so, are there size limits or specific formats required?

    • Yes, they can handle basically any kind of attachment without and format restrictions. I’m not sure if there is a file restriction, except for the one from the email provider that’s sending the email with the attachment πŸ™ƒ


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