Learn how to use built-in modules

The built-in modules in Make.com are essential for building any slightly more complex scenarios.

example of built in modules in make
example of built in modules in make
example of built in modules in make

Ready to make scenario building easier? 🤓

Check out these tutorials covering the built-in modules in Make.com.

These native modules will help you to create better scenarios without having to use (and spend money on) extra applications.

They can do more than you think.

What is a Built-in module?

A built-in module in Make.com is a ready-to-use tool that helps you automate common tasks, like sending emails or organizing information, without needing extra apps.

Some of these modules also let you control how your automation runs—like adding delays, creating multiple routes, or managing the order of tasks. These tools give you more control over how your workflows behave, making it easy to customize the process to fit your needs.

Specific built-in modules explained

The tutorials below will help you to understand each native module 🙂

mail module in make dot com


Learn how to send emails
mailhook module in make scenario


Receive data through emails
sleep module make


Add built-in delays to your scenario
increment function module


Easy counting inside your scenario
aggregator builtin module


Merge bundles of data into one
router module in scenario make


Split your scenario into multiple routes
webook module in make scenario


Trigger your scenario from anywhere

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